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Psalms of Revelation

Yo, NOW you can peep the lyrics from selected songs from Psalms of Revelation AND listen to part of the album from this page. To listen, just click the image below. To peep the lyrics, scroll down.

Soon you'll be able to buy the album from this page as well. Keep checking back for details!

(Matthew 6:10, 33; Romans 14:17)
by Benjamin Young

You know they thought I was finished, but I'm still breakin records like Guinness
Gettin mischievous in the enemy's camp like Dennis the Menace
Diminishin defeat cause I reign in victory
And Satan is sick of me cause he can't put a lick on me
You can't hit what you catch and I'm runnin for my life
In this great race to win 1st place and a taste of your heavenly Kingdom
I won't stop cause I'm in it to win it
But Your Kingdom's already come so it's time to get wit it
Hit me up wit a nickel bag of worship, I'm gettin high
Ain't no need to get religious, I'm already in the sky
That's right, you better read about that high praise bein in your mouth
Psalm 149, read it on your own time
Cause I'm on a mission to deliver this Word
Rhema rain once it drops you won't be the same
This ain't no game, I'm so serious it ain't funny, honey
Put up your money, cause it can't buy what I'm talkin bout sonny
It's the kingdom, God's will being done on earth
As it is above, manifestations of peace of love
It's the domain of the King who is Emanuel
God with us, can't you tell
Time to bail to the church and find out about my royal priesthood
It's all good when Christ is steppin up in your neighborhood
And should you find a reason to deny the Lord
Just let the cock crow one time, then repent and be restored

It's the Kingdom, It's the Kingdom, It's the Kingdom, It's the Kingdom

I'm a Kingdom man with Kingdom thoughts and Kingdom plans
My purpose in life is more than hourglass sand
I take the stance of my destiny
I'm not who I was but who I shall be
My identity is hidden in my purpose, obedience to His will
Unlocks mysteries yet to be fulfilled
Now that's deep, if you can't swim, don't go out there
Just stay on the shore and drink your milk like a good boy, but you'll find joy
When God gives His apocalyptic lemon drops
They might taste sour, but you'll feel better in an hour
Power endues you, purpose pursues you
God wants to use you, but the enemy don't wanna lose you
Here's the struggle between your call
And the potential fall, having done all to stand
Stand therefore with the Sword of the Spirit in your hand
Command the army of your heart to take the land
You must possess to be blessed, in that order
If there's giants in the land, that means they fall harder
The demon slaughter's inevitably on
I'm so glad to be in that number while we sing our song
Claimin enemy territory for the Kingdom of God
And we're tellin every story cause the battle is hard
But we overcome by the testimony we give
And by the blood of the Lamb in whom we move and live


You bout to die Devil, I'ma level you with this cross
That I retrieve from my back like a knapsack
My attack strategy is simple, I crush your head
With my big toe, and let the other four part your scalp
Like a Cherokee, I make the gospel more popular than Sara Lee
I repeat the Word verbatim like a parakeet
It's very sweet to trust in Jesus, just to take Him at His Word
To stand on his promises and know what says the Lord
I've been Commissioned to Take 6 4 Him
I'm a Totally Committed Man of Standard
And my Virtue flows from His Point of Grace I seek His face
Cause I'm just a Jar of Clay
But I'm still Radical for Christ, Adrenaline's in my Audio
I'm a Newsboy, I'm a Witness of the Nujoi
That I found on my God Quest
I press for the mark of the prize and nothin less
I fire it up like the V6 in my grand prix
I squeal the wheels, now the party's hittin harder than steel
From Mobile all the way to Tally-ho, I flow
Bout that righteousness peace and joy in the Holy Ghost
That's the Kingdom of God, now you know
And knowin's half the battle like my man GI Joe
Now you're either on God's side or the outside
So help me with this hook and let the holy track ride


(Matthew 1:23)
by Benjamin Young
Who's the man that's the rock, not the sand
Who holds the cosmos in the wrinkles of His hand
He's the same one who took a spear to His torso
To the His blood show as a ransom for all souls
Then He rose to empower those He saved
Took the sting from death and victory from the grave
And now we are duplicate images of His deity
Holy Ghost expressions manifest with spontaneity
He's in your face like a dimple
He irritates like a pimple because He makes salvation simple
And anyone is eligible to be redeemed
But you rejected the offer like Charlie Ward did to football
With one difference: there's no point in your guard
You could've been a Christ-man trophy, but you were hard
And unlike Charlie you regret not taking it
But just like Charlie without Christ you ain't making it
Cause he's the Alpha and Omega
Which means He's the A to every Q that you could ask
And be mindful that every trifle thought's within His earshot
Cause if you didn't know, He's omniscient
That be the one I serve, act like you heard, dig this new thang
Because your soul's locked up in more chambers than the Wu-Tang
But like Liu Kang, I must kick my limber lyrics
To open up your heart in the liberty of the Spirit

Emanuel, your love story I will tell
God with us, I bust the hammer on the nails
Nailin down the truth from the scripture
Because of man's fall, one died for all, get the picture?

Who does he think He is anyway, God's equal?
Everybody's met Adam, now meet the sequel
People hate on Adam for His fall, but Adam represented all
That means we would've done the same thing ya'll
Don't get cocky in your carnal premonitions
You ain't worth your weight in salt till you been bought
By the blood, which means you must sell out to the donor
We know that you stack more paper than Smith Corona
But it's useless cause all the paper you stack
Won't keep your soul's quarterback from getting sacked by satan's attack
You need to guard your heart like Heaven's tackles
Make God the center, hike the ball, make spectacular passes
Touchdown to higher heights and deeper depths
Gentlemen, take your places, on your mark, ready set
Let's run this marathon that's better than Boston beans
Lay aside this weight like you tryin' to fit some jeans
Greens and corn bread, that be the church and Jesus
They go together like ice cold weather and cold sweaters
But without Jesus, you won't need o articles of clothing
Cause where you goin', you will be loathin
For the remainder of your eternal life, that's eternal death
You need God like scuba divers need another breath
Of fresh air, to all of my colleagues, let's share
The Gospel to the lost and see em saved at all costs


Sim Sema, who knows the name of my Redeemer
The one who saves men and stings sin like a mosquito
You should meet a wonderful man in my opinion
I suggest that you let Him steer you like rack-and-pinion
With all dominion He rules from the right hand of Elohim
The Father of creation and human beings
But it seems such a man never rose from the dead
When they put the crown of thorns on His head
But to the Nay-says, I'ma kick it like Pele
I'm not Willie Mays, but I'll make em all say Hey,
We need somebody to relieve us from this sin disease cause we're dyin
Lord Jesus
Please just drop a little bit of your blood
So I can feel the full benefits of your love
I patiently wait for you to show
Right when I'm about to go, somebody says, 'Yo!'
Look up in the sky, it's a plane, it's a bird
No, it's the Most High comin to stand on His Word
I can understand why you died
But why you love me so, I'll never know, guess it goes to show
That I'm a scrub in comparison, Lord
Because I ran away from you, a fugitive like Harrison Ford
The medicine ball of sin knocked me out cold
But your sacrifice was the sweet smelling salt to my nose
And I rise like the dust where I came from
I rub my eyes to visualize the pain from
The beating, the flogging, the crucifixion, the suffocation
Your lungs collapse, the crowd claps in celebration
Sayin, "Come off the cross, or else you're false", but you were true
You died for me, now I live for you
God with us, and you're the same God I trust
And this be true or my name ain't Theophilus